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Essential Shots for Newborns

As the back-to-school season approaches, students must receive mandatory vaccinations or choose to fulfill alternative requirements. However, have you ever questioned the necessity for newborn babies to receive vaccinations shortly after birth?

I enthusiastically seek out alternative options for my newborns instead of simply accepting shots without questioning their necessity! Considering that God has already provided everything necessary for our survival on Earth, I believe there must be other options available. With this in mind, I began my research.

My research started with looking for natural remedies in case a child were to get chicken pox. Guess what? I did some detective work and found out how many folks are joining the chicken pox shot club! Just for fun, you know. Gotta stay informed!

I tried to help others who might be considering signing the waiver form for school to exempt themselves from receiving these vaccinations. To achieve that, I had to substitute it with a natural alternative.

Watch this video and share your thoughts on it. Parents have varying perspectives on the video, with some finding it beneficial and others not.

Explore a selection of natural remedies to support your child's health as an alternative to vaccinations.

  • Herbal teas

  • Essential oils

  • Dietary supplements

  • Acupuncture

  • Yoga

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